Many of our patients have come to our practice for our expertise in treating movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, Essential Tremor, and Dystonia. Movement disorders are a group of neurological conditions that cause abnormal, often involuntary movements, or slow, reduced movements, and often progress in severity over time. The most cutting-edge of treatment approaches considers neurological and medical management, as well as neurosurgical procedures such as deep brain stimulation and Parkinson disease surgery in NYC to ease the severity of symptoms.
An estimated 10 million Americans suffer with Essential Tremor (ET), also known as familial tremor, a progressive neurological condition that causes trembling in different parts of the body, usually the hands, head, voice, legs or trunk. Often this condition is confused with Parkinson’s disease, but they are not the same. Parkinson’s is caused primarily by the loss of brain cells that produce an important chemical called dopamine, symptoms include slowness, tremors, stiffness, and balance problems. For those patients who have a severe, disabling movement disorder that prevents them from performing daily tasks and don’t respond to medication, a surgical procedure called deep brain stimulation (DBS) may be an option. Deep brain stimulation and Parkinson disease surgery in NYC involves placing one or two electrodes into the brain and connecting them to a pacemaker-like device that is implanted into the chest. The electrical current that flows to the brain significantly reduces symptoms and improves the patient’s quality of life.
If you would like to learn more about our office or our neurosurgeon, we highly recommend that you visit our practice’s main website to browse through some additional, detailed information that you might find useful. If you have any specific questions or concerns about movement disorders that we can help you with, or if you’re interested in Parkinson’s disease surgery in NYC, please do not hesitate to contact the staff here directly. We look forward to working with you and helping you be your healthiest version of yourself.